Great How to Make Unique Wood Walking and Hiking Sticks

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Friday, February 3, 2012

Walking stick making tools and hardware

One of the basic questions I always receive is "Do you need special tools or do most people already have what they need? when making hiking sticks and walking staffs?"  The answer is no and usually yes. First of all 90% of all the walking I make involve wood  bark peeling, sanding, painting, rope weaving and/or wood carving. Over the years I have purchased a few special tools (on Ebay) because the price was right. Once of the first walking stick making tools I purchased was a wood burning tool fro $20 on Ebay.

Yes, there are fancy wood burning set ups that cost $100 and more, but I have not purchased on yet. The small inexpensive one works fine for all my hiking stick making projects. Now, if you consider yourself a true detailed artist you may want to eventually purchase a higher end unit for intricate work but it's not necessary. I do not use special paint brushes or airguns when staining I use a old lint free rag. When painting I just use an inexpensive small detail brush that cost in packages of 10 about $3.00 (small model airplane type brushes).

Rope working is all done by hand so the only tools you may need to buy are tools to carve your walking sticks. If you have a good pocket knife with a few blades you may not even need to buy a wood working knife. The knife does need to be sharp and strong, and fit you hand comfortably. Wood carving walking sticks is the last part of learning how to make walking sticks. Not all your walking stick projects will include wood carving. In fact, may people never carve anything on their walking staffs and hiking sticks. If you do not have a good carving knifes or set check out Ebay for "Warren wood carving" set and you will fine one I use all the time for approximately $30. Yes, they have higher end sets but the $30 works great with its interchangeable blades. It's American made and they are strong.

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