Great How to Make Unique Wood Walking and Hiking Sticks

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Get on the list to get some great tips how to make wood walking sticks and hiking staffs. Also, will tell you about a great guide that shows how to make great walking sticks.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Scout hiking stick making project

     Creating your own hiking stick is a scout tradition. Here is an another idea of a possible new tradition for hiking stick making for your scout troupe or competition between states. Why not have a group hiking stick making pass around walking stick project.  Many wood carvers create projects where each persons puts their own individual style on the project.

    This is how it works when doing a hiking stick making group project. First, select around 3 to 10 people who want to make a scout hiking stick. Each person is assigned a portion of the hiking stick to add their own personal touch. The catch is that you will need one hiking stick blank for each member who contributes to the project.

    If you have 5 scouts making a hiking stick then you need 5 hiking sticks. Each person is assigned one section on EACH of the 5 walking sticks. If you are doing the hiking stick making project between 3..5 troupes then assign each troop one section and the put the EXACT same design on each of the walking sticks. This way after  all the sticks are passed around they will all have the same design on each stick.  This way each troupe or person who participates in the project will have a group made walking stick to call their own. In the end, each troupe or individual scout will enjoy a group walking stick making project and get design ideas from others for other walking stick making scouts areas.

   We recommend starting with simple designed and progress with more complicated walking stick making techniques. Start a project with troupe emblem. Get a group of scout masters from your state to commit to adding their emblem suing the same techniques (paint, stain, drawer, or wood carve). Each troupe is assigned a section and a completion date. Each group gets one stick of the same type and does the design. Then mail/pass the stick to the next group until the walking stick making project is completed.

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