Great How to Make Unique Wood Walking and Hiking Sticks

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Monday, August 8, 2011

How to make walking sticks, hiking staff or wizard staffs wood spirits carving

How to make your own walking stick wood spirit.
Hand carving your own walking stick, wizard staff or hiking staff jsut takes a bit of practice and patience for a beginner. the image to the left is starting to show the shape of the face. when designing your wood spirit face do not worry about if it looks just like the one you are trying to copy.  Many people who learn how to make your own walking sticks are in too big of a rush to go from not ever carving anything to right to hand caving a face or similar carving.
You need a bit of experience on simpler wood carvings and how to use wood carving techniques.  If you go straight to carving a walking stick wood spirit then expect to ruin some of your sticks collected or producing a less than satisfactory result. Learn the basics first including all aspect of how to hand make unique walking and hiking sticks.

  The wood spirit to the left is a simple design about 20% completed done an a piece of Aspen wood about 2.5" in diameter. 2.5:" diameter means you are working on a carving area about 1.5" wide. That is a very small area to put great details of a complete face. If you are just learning how to wood carve walking sticks keep the design simple at first. Remember, many of the images you see in books and on the web are faces that are several inches across don by master carvers.

Just think how easy is it to make a pencil drawing of a wood spirit. If you are not artistically include your pencil images are not that great. Now try doing it on wood. its easier to use a pencil than a wood carving tool. However, with the right training just able anyone can make a good looking walking stick wood spirit. Just the how to make great unique walking and hiking sticks staffs by hand guides for step by step easy to follow directions. Remember this is a hobby and even a possible a side income opportunity. Enjoy it and take your time to learn the how to make quality unique hiking sticks and wizdard staffs  by hand.


Coach Dix said...

I just retired and have taking up carving walking sticks. I have harvested around 75 piece that are ready to be worked. I am looking for a place to find good ideas for everything involved including but not limited to tools, adhesives, stains and other protective coatings, emblems. etc. Thank you
Coach Dix

Mike said...

The walking stick guides has the information and help need with may great ideas and instructions go to