Great How to Make Unique Wood Walking and Hiking Sticks

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Monday, August 1, 2011

How to make Wood Carved walking sticks eagle
Carving a eagle head on your walking sticks can be as detail or simplistic as you desire. Do not get discourage if your eagle does not come out like you see to the left or in books. Start with a simple designed and as you learn how to wood carve you hiking sticks and walking staffs add details.  The walking stick eagle carving to the left is about 75% completed. it will receive some more details around the eyes and further back to give it a look of an slim lined eagle head as if its diving on to prey.

Some people get caught up into putting to much details in their carvings. Remember when learning how to make making your walking sticks, hiking staffs and Wizard staffs start simple and then build as you learn how to better carve wood. In fact, we do not recommend carving wood until you learn how to developer other skills including wood burning images, staining techniques to create shadows images, making your own tips, handles and other parts of your hiking sticks and staffs.

When this eagle wood carve hiking stick is completed it will have a two tones: natural wood color on the beak area and then a darker wood stain from the part on. Then I think beyond the eagle part the wood will be left natural . When you learn how to making your own walking and hiking sticks you will gain ideas and learn techniques to give you many different options on how to finish your hiking stick making project.

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